Tuesday, June 7, 2011


PSPICE Tutorial
Posted by admin on June 16th, 2009
1. Overview About Orcad PSPICE with
SPICE is an electronic circuit simulator for analog / digital very powerful that can be used to investigate and predict the characteristics of the circuit. Pioneered by the Electronics Research Laboratory University of California, Berkeley (1975), SPICE name stands for Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis.
PSPICE is a PC version of Orcad SPICE Corp. of Cadence Design Systems, Inc.. Student version is available with some limitations. Version we will use the Light PSPICE 9.1 student version with limitations, have a maximum range of 64 points, 10 transistors and 2 op-amp.
SPICE can do some circuit analysis, among them the important thing is:
• Non-linear DC analysis: shows the DC transfer curve
• Non-linear transient and Fourier analysis: shows the voltage and current curves as a function of time
• Fourier analysis: shows the frequency spectrum
• Linear AC Analysis: shows the graph as a function of frequency
• Noise analysis
• Parametric analysis
• Monte Carlo Analysis
All of the above analysis can be performed at several different temperatures. Default temperature is 300K.
In the PSPICE simulator is available analogue and digital library for standard components, such as NAND, NOR, flip-flops, MUXes, FPGAs, PLDs and sebagianya. This makes the simulator PSPICE as more powerful to apply the electronic circuits. The circuit can be simulated to contain the following components:
• Source voltage and current sources
• Resistor
• Capacitor
• inductor
• Mutual inductor
• Transmission line
• Operational amplifier
• Switches
• Diode
• Bipolar transistors
• MOS transistor
• Digital gate
• and other components.
The components from vendors that are not innate PSPICE can be added by downloading the related component library and then menambahakannya into this PSPICE library.
2. Installing Light PSPICE 9.1
Version we will use the Light PSPICE 9.1 student version as mentioned earlier. There are several web pages that provide this version for download for free. We have to back-up is also to be able to download, here
Download PSPICE9.1
Figure 1 shows the file Light PSPICE 9.1 student version downloaded. To install, extract the tar file downloaded into the desired directory. There will be many files in the directory in question, one of which is setup.exe. For installation, double click the setup.exe. Installation will run by itself.

Figure 1. PSPICE file version 9.1
Depending on where you placed the installation program file (by default located in C: \ Program Files \), then the structure of directories and files installed seems like figure 2.

Figure 2 .. The location of the files installed PSPICE
3. Getting Started With Orcad PSPICE
To run this PSPICE, ranging from Start  All Programs   Capture PSPICE Student Student, Click there. As can be seen as figure 3.

Figure 3. Running PSPICE
Click this executes capture.exe located in a subdirectory:
C: \ Program Files \ OrCAD_Demo \ Capture.exe.
So the first project PSPICE ready to be made.
2.1.1 Creating a new project
As if we create a new program or new scheme, each new job must mendefisinikan new project first. Here are the steps,
1. Call Orcad Capture as the steps above. Figure 4 shows the Orcad Capture have been called but there is no project / something to do,

Figure 4. IDE Capture
2. Create a new project: FILE menu  NEW_PROJECT
3. Display appears as Figure 5. Write the name of this project
4. Select Analog or Mixed-AD
5. Location, define yourself if you do not want to default.

Figure 5. Display create a new project
5. After that, came the dialog for "Create PSpice Project". Just select "Create Blank Project".
6. Finally, a page for design in Orcad PSPICE circuit appears as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Project Design Manager
2.1.2 Creating a simple circuit
For example, we will create a series as shown in Figure 7. Here are the steps,
1. Click on the Schematic window.
2. To add kompnonen, click on the icon PLACE PART in the upper right (see figure 6). It would appear the following dialog like figure 8.

Figure 7. Simple circuit

Figure 8. Place Part dialog
Select the appropriate library with the components that we want. An example is a component of R (resistor). Library it is Analog, then scroll (scroll down) on the list to find the components of Part R. Then the dialog will look like figure 8 above.
If the library in Figure 8 is empty, then you need to add the library in PSIPCE. Way, click Add Library, then to simply add all the libraries are provided (the default) by this PSPICE. There are several libraries in there, namely (in different versions of PSPICE library may be built differently, but the outline is the same),
To all the libraries is provided by PSPICE by default, and is located in a subdirectory;
C: \ Program Files \ OrCAD_Demo \ Capture \ Library \ PSpice
• Analog: contains passive components (R, L, C), mutual inductance, transmission line, as well as voltage and current depending on the source (voltage dependent voltage source E, the current F-dependent current source, voltage-dependent current source and current G source voltage-dependent H).
• Source: contains various sources of voltage and current sources with different types. (VDC, IDC, Vac, IAC, Vsin, Vexp, pulse, piecewise linear, etc.). Check out the contents to know more closely.
• Eval: providing diodes (D ...), bipolar transistor (Q ...), MOS transistors, JFETs (J ...), real opamp like u741, switches (SW_tClose, SW_tOpen), the various gates and digital components.
• ABM: contains the basic mathematical operators that can be applied to the cues, such as multiplication (mult), summation (SUM), Square Root (SWRT), Laplace (Laplace), arctan (arctan), and there's more.
• Special: contains various other components, such as the PARAM, NODESET, etc..
Click OK, the R component would be carried away by the cursor to be ready to be placed in the schematic window. Click the cursor at the position of the R component is to be placed.
To change the value of R, double click on the value (in this case 1k). Display Properties dialog will appear like the picture 9. Change the value as expected (10k)

Figure 9. Display Properties
PSpice provides the exponent or scalar factor as shown in table 1. Notation in PSPICE is not case sensitive, so that M and m are considered equal.
Table 1. PSPICE scalar factor
Symbol Value factor
F or f (Femto) 1e-15
P or p (pico) 1e-12
N or n (nano) 1e-9
U or u (micro) 1e-6
M or m (milli) 1e-3
Of K or k (kilo) 1e +3
MEG or meg (mega) 1e +6
G or g (Gega) 1e +9
T or t (Terra) 1e +12
Other ways to give value component is the "Property Editor". Way, click on the relevant components and then right-click "Edit Properties". A screen appears (See Figure 10) displays the various parameters (attributes). Enter the value you want into the appropriate attribute.

Figure 10. Property Editor
3. Add the other components in the same way. Resistor capacitor in the ANALOG library, and the source of DC voltage and DC current source from the SOURCE library. The combination of right and left mouse click has a function of different options. To add the same components, simply left click the mouse. Press ESC to end the component.
In the case of capacitors, the initial conditions can also be defined. Open the property editor as figure 10, but for the capacitor. In column IC (ie Initial Condition), enter the desired value, eg 2 V.
4. After all the components included in the scheme, each component connected with the cable. So we need the Place Wire. Click the "Place Wire" (see figure 6) and connecting all the legs of the component as desired scheme. Press the "ESC" to end.
5. Finally, what is needed is to add ground into the scheme of the circuit. Click "Place Ground" (figure 6). Place Ground Dialogue will appear as shown in Figure 11. When the dialog appears, select the GND / CAPSYM and give the value 0 in the Name field. Do not forget to zero out. If not PSpice will display an error warning when a series of simulation run or display a warning "Floating Node". This occurs because the SPICE require ground terminal as a reference point that is 0 on the ground.

Figure 11. Place Ground Dialogue
6. If all the steps above run properly, then the scheme is like a series of images 12. following,

Figure 12. Series
4. Analysis series
By Orcad PSPICE has been visually displaying electronic circuits. It is very easy to know how to work the circuit. However, the early start in the form of text to spice netlist is still necessary, sometimes to track if there are mistakes. Similarly, to track the direction of flow.
Orcad / PSpice provides a menu for tracking / create text file from the circuit, called a netlist. From the PSpice menu  Create netlist, then the text file of the series will be made. To view the series in the form of text, simply by choosing View netlist. Figure 13 below shows the view create netlist and netlist. While Figure 14 shows a circuit netlist with his text.

Figure 13. Text generating circuit
* Source TEST01
IN OUT R_R1 10k
R_R2 0 OUT 10k
I_I1 0 OUT DC 1mAdc
C_C1 0 OUT 5uF
V_V1 IN 0 20Vdc

Figure 14. The series and its text
Simulations with SPICE allows us to perform analyzes the DC bias, DC Sweep, Transient, AC analysis, Montecarlo, parameter sweep and temperature sweep.
The following will explain the analysis that is often used in the simulation of this spice, the DC bias, DC sweep, AC analysis, and transient.
4.1 Analysis BIAS
The steps to perform simulations with the analysis of voltage / current bias is as follows,
1. With the schematic diagram, there PSPICE menu. Select NEW PROFILE Simulation.
2. Will appear a window, as shown in Figure 15. Type the name of the profile of simulation, eg bias. In the list "inherit From", select none. Click Create.

Figure 15.
3. Will appear the windows to set the values ​​for the simulation. See Figure 16. In the "Analyis Type", choose Bias Point. Click OK.

Figure 16.
5. Jalanlan simulation, PSPICE  RUN
6. Will appear a window. From here you will know whether the simulation was successful or there was an error. If the simulation fails / error, the error can be traced from the output file.
7. The simulation results can be viewed in detail if desired. Open the output file, or from the schematic diagram on the V-click the icon and I icon. See Figure 17. The direction of flow which is positive / negative can be checked from its netlist. Figure 18 below shows the simulation results of bias.

Figure 17.

Figure 18.
4.2 Analysis of DC Sweep
Equipment used the same circuit, but is now being evaluated is the influence of the source voltage sweep between 0 and 20V. The source current of 1 mA. The following analysis measures the DC sweep,
1. Create a new simulation with the "New Simulation Profile" (from the PSpice menu): Give name, eg DC Sweep
2. Enter the name of the source voltage that will in-sweep. V1. Enter the start and end value (start value, end value), and the value of the step increase. In this example, the start value of 0, end value 20, and increment 0.1 V. See Figure 19 below follows.

Figure 19. Settings for the simulation of DC Sweep
3. Run Simulation. PSpice will generate output data that contains the value - the value of all voltages and currents in the circuit.
When the simulation is complete, will emerge a new window, as in Figure 20. Call it as a Probe Window.

Figure 20. Probe Window
To see the results, from the Trace menu choose Add Trace, see Figure 21. Then select the voltage and / or currents to be displayed. An example is V (out) and V (in). Click OK.

Figure 21. The Add Trace
If desired, you can add a second Y axis. For example to view the current through R2. From the Plot menu  Add Y Axis. Select Trace for I (R2).
Actual value Vout and Vin point on the graph can also be displayed. From the Trace Cursor   Display. Here, the cursor acts as the first trace. Note the small boxes of charts and descriptions to V (out) at the bottom. Click left on trace 1, nnilai x and y axis will be displayed. Right-click on V (out) then the cursor will be displayed.
Figure 22 shows the results of dc sweepn, shows Vout, Vin and the current through the resistor R2. The cursor is used for V (out) and V (in).

Figure 22.
4. 3 Analysis Transient
Used the same circuit as the DC sweep (Figure 23), by adding a switch to regulate the incoming voltage and current, as shown in Figure 12. You do this by inserting SW_TCLOSE eval switch from libraries. Then double click on the switch TCLOSE value and insert value after the switch closes. Then create value TCLOSE = 5 ms.

Figure 23: The circuit for transient simulation
The steps for transient analysis,
1. Create PSPICE / NEW PROFILE Simulation
2. Give the name of the simulation (eg, transient). When the simulation settings window opens, select the analysis of "Time Domain (Transient)." Enter Run Time also, eg, with value = 50 ms. For Step Max size, you can leave it blank or give feedback 10us.
3. Run PSpice
4. The PSpice Probe window will open. You can add traces to show results. In Figure 24 below, we plot the current through the capacitor at the windows above and below the voltage through a capacitor. We use a cursor to find the time constant of the exponential form (to find the calculation of 0.632 x V (out) max = 9.48. The cursor will give a suitable time is 30 ms then provide the time constant 30-5 = 25 ms (5 ms deductible because lop switch at 5 ms)

Figure 24: Results of the simulation of transient circuit Figure 23
5. In addition to using a switch, we can also use a voltage source that changes with time. As shown in Figure 24 where the used source VPULSE and IPULSE from SOURCE library. By inserting the value of voltage levels (V1 and V2), time delay / delay (TD), rise and fall time (Rise and Fall time), pulse width (PW) and period (PER). Such values ​​can be indicated in the figure below.

Figure 24: PULSE circuit with a voltage and current sources.
6. After performing the transient simulation results can be displayed as the previous step.
7. The final example of transient analysis is to use sinusoidal signals VSIN. See Figure 25. The series is as in Figure 25 below. We make the value of amplitude 10 V and frequency 10 Hz.

Figure 25.
8. Run PSpice.
9. Results simulsi for Vout and Vin shown in Figure 26 below.

Figure 26.
4. 4 AC Sweep Analysis
Analysis of AC applied voltage or sinusoidal input current (ac) with frequency shifts up to a certain range. The analysis looks at the relationship between voltage, current magnitude, and phase for each input frequency.
The example below shows a simple RC filter, with series such as in Figure 27.

Figure 27.
1. Create a "new project" and the image sequence as shown.
2. On the components of the input voltage, use a VAC source voltage of the source library
3. Enter the amplitude value of the input source = 1 V
4. Create a new simulation profile. In the simulation settings window select AC Sweep / Noise
5. Enter the start and end frequency and number of points per decade. Eg using a 0.1 Hz, 10 kHz and 11
6. Run (Run) simulation
7. In the probe window, add the trace for the input voltage and add new windows to show the phase and magnitude of the voltage output. Stress can also be displayed in the form by typing Vdb dB (out) in the trace expression box and type VP (out) for the phase
8. In addition, to display the Vout in db can also be done by using markers on the schematic (PSPICE / markers / ADVANCED / dBMagnitude or phase of voltage or current. Then place the markers at the desired point.
9. The simulation results can be seen from Figure 28 below:

Figure 28.
Figure 28 shows, the point has a value of 3 dB frequency of 6:49 Hz with a time constant of 25 ms [R1 / (R2.C)]. At f = 10Hz, Vout = 11.4dB, and so on.
Good benefits.

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