BOOK Thesis
One of the requirements to complete the undergraduate program in Electrical Engineering Program Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu is a thesis which represents independent work by students with guidance from supervisor. Thesis is deepening and the application of some elements of knowledge that have been obtained previously in an electrical engineering system design.
With diterbitnya writing of this handbook is expected to serve as guidelines and instructions that will be useful for students who are conducting thesis and so the workmanship became more fluent.
Tim authors realize that this handbook may not be realized without the help of various parties, especially the faculty staff colleagues who have been willing to provide corrections for the perfect book. Drafting team would like to thank all those who have helped make this handbook.
Bengkulu, January 2011
Drafting team
1.1 Definition of a Thesis
1.2 Objectives of Thesis ............................................... ................... 1
1.3 Thesis Requirements ............................................... ..................... 1
1.4 Thesis Topic ............................................... ................... 1
1.5 Certification Title Thesis 2
1.6 Session 2 Final
1.7 Obligations after Expressed Passed ............................................. .......... 2
2.1 Page Title 3
2.2 Page 3 2.3 Approval of Supervising Abstract 4
2.4 Section 4 Contents
2.4.1 Introduction 4
2.4.2 Review of Literature 5
2.4.3 Research Methods 6
2.5 References 7
3.1 Thesis Title Page 8
3.2 Abstract 8
Contents Section 3.3 Thesis 9
3.3.1 Results and Discussion 9
3.3.2 Conclusion 9
4.1 General 11
4.2 Typing 11
Appendix A Final Report Writing Guide
Appendix A1 Sample title page
Appendix A2 Sample approval page
Appendix A3 Examples page front cover
Appendix A4 Example endorsement page
Appendix A5 Example page statement
Appendix B Forms Thesis
FS-1 Form news seminar proposals
FS-2 Invitation seminar proposals
FS-3 Form the end of the seminar proposals
FS-4 Form of the minutes of the seminar proposals
FS-5 Form the results of the assessment proposal seminar
FS-6 Sheet trial validation requirements
FS-7 Form a transcript of the thesis
FS-8 Form of the hearing thesis
FS-9 Form sheet thesis revision session
Thesis definition
Thesis is a scientific term for that is a requirement to obtain the status of (S1), the weight is 5 credits of thesis credits. Thesis is a scientific report about the results of research / study, observation or investigation conducted by the student. As a scientific work, which were recorded, theses have been prepared by following the rules of writing scientific papers.
1.2 Objectives of Thesis
Thesis objective is to train students to do research as a whole, from formulating the problem, formulating research objectives, designing ways (methodology) collecting and analyzing data, writing research reports and is accountable for academic results.
1.3 Thesis Requirements
Thesis may be taken by students on the condition have been through at least 120 college credits and minimum GPA 2.00, and are taking or have passed the subject Research Methodology. Students who are qualified and have a thesis theme thesis supervisor will be appointed in accordance with the field / concentration by the coordinator of the thesis with the approval of the Chairman Prodi.
1.4 Thesis Topic
The elements needed to conduct thesis has been studied since the first semester, in both theoretical and practical lectures. Therefore, students had to prepare a title or thesis topic as early as possible to shorten the period of study. Thesis topic reflect courses taken by students who followed the study or in accordance with the concentration.
1.5 Validation of Thesis Title
Thesis research proposal submitted by students will be selected and considered their feasibility by the Supervising thesis, if approved, the proposal will be held seminars that will be attended by tutors and examiners. After the approval by the supervisor and examiner, then the proposal can continue his research.
1.6 Final Assembly
Thesis is an evaluation session of the writing of students, test applications made or exposure to the research done by the students. This session can be implemented if approved by the supervisor. Terms trial thesis is as follows;
students have taken the entire study load credits
obtained a GPA greater than or equal to 2.00
D value of not more than 10% of total credits and no courses with a value of E
KRS took the thesis contained in the current semester
thesis manuscript (the format) has been in the ACC (approved) by the supervisor to go to trial.
prepare for trial as the attached list.
1.7 Obligations After Indicated Passed
Make improvements in accordance thesis thesis correction of the hearing examiner
Conducting consultations and cross check with the supervisor and lecturer testers for improvements made.
Create a script for publication and make file.pdf thesis manuscript and manuscript publication
The signing of the manuscript thesis by lecturers and examiners and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering sekalligus as endorsement.
Bound thesis to be submitted to the library Prodi, faculty and university
Preparing judicium and graduation requirements
Research proposal is a plan which consist of student research:
Title page
Advisor Approval Page
Table of contents
Section contents (chapters) which consist of: Chapter 1: Introduction, including background, problem formulation, problem definition, research objectives; Chapter 2: Literature Review, Chapter 3: Research Method
Plan and Work Schedule Thesis Research and Preparation
2.1 Title Page
The title page should contain: title of research proposal, the symbol of the University of Bengkulu, parent names and numbers of students, the college and the time of submission (examples attached). The title is made as quickly as possible, clearly and precisely indicate the problem investigated and did not want to open a double interpretations opportunities. Title, among other things: the study of what, purposes, methods used and the scope of discussion. The maximum number of words in the title is 20 words. Page titles are not given page numbers.
2.2 Approval Page Editor
On this page includes the title, name and NPM students who filed, name, NIP, thesis supervisor's signature and date of the approval (examples attached).
2.3 Abstract
Abstract is a brief and concise summary of the thesis. Abstract function is to assist the reader to quickly can get an overview of the scientific literature. In the abstract, quotations from other writers should not be listed. Abstract of thesis proposal contains a formulation of the problem, objectives, the methods used. Maximum word count 250 words.
Key words in the abstract should be written at the bottom of the abstract with a distance of three spaces from the end of the abstract, with the number of words a minimum of 3 and maximum 5. Keywords selected important words which are subject-specific words in the thesis proposal. Sorted according to alphabetical writing the first of these keywords. A keyword may consist of more than 1 word.
Section 2.4 Contents
2.4.1 Introduction
Presents the background research context, to what research is done and what things that drive this research. Here are described in what circumstances the topic will be done.
The background includes the initial study or major theories that are relevant and are integrated so that the new conical at a unique problem which is then compiled in the form of the formulation of the problem. Normally this section begins by describing the gap, theoretical or practical between expectations and reality.
Problem Formulation
In sub-chapter, the problem you want solved, formulated in a clear, sharp and focused. This section includes a description or a variety of topics that will be explored in this study. Definitions, assumptions and scope of the research / study can be explained in this section. Formulation of the problem mentioned the main focus of research mecakup various questions will be answered in the study so that an idea of what will be disclosed in research need to be broken down clearly. All questions must be supported by reasons obtained from the initial study or major theories.
Limitation Problem
Issues that will be sought to solve should be limited to the scope for more detailed discussion and possible decision to definitife. These variables are involved in research must be determined.
Research Objectives
In this section, the purpose for which the research / study and the target or targets to be achieved are stated briefly and clearly in accordance with the issues that have been formulated. Research / studies can aim to explore, describe, explain, prove, or apply a concept / hypothesis / symptoms or make a prototype.
2.4.2 Review of Literature
Reader Reviews
In this section, theory and previous research material obtained from various references that made the basis of the proposed research is discussed. It is relevant to the subject / topic under study are described. Brief literature review is a comprehensive summary of all relevant materials contained in various references. This section is the appearance of discussion or debate among libraries. It also can explain the techniques / rules / equipment or technology that will and / or will be / has been used in conducting research that will / are being implemented. Written description is directed to prepare a framework or conceptual approach adopted in the study. Cultivated from the material presented new and original references, for example from journal papers.
At the end of the authenticity of the research literature review suggested from previous studies (difference from previous research).
Basic Theory
Basic theory is a theory taken all / selected based on literature review the underlying problem of research / study that will be / is being done. Basic theory will also be used as a guide to doing further research. Teeori basic form can be a qualitative description or model / mathematical equation. If several theories are discussed, needs to put forward the theory of what is preferred.
All references used / cited should be listed in the bibliography. In citing, the author's last name and year of publication must be listed after the citation in parentheses small (last name, year of publication / publication) [Harvard system], for example (Siregar, 2006), or may be written in order of citation numbers given brackets elbow. If the authors of the articles cited more than 2 people then simply name the first author, written, and then continued with the inscription et al. But in the bibliography the names of all authors of the article should be written, not just written his first author's name alone coupled with the inscription et al. In a direct quote (quotes exactly as written by other authors), if quoted only one sentence, the sentence quotation must be quoted at the beginning and end of the sentence. If the direct quotation is more than one sentence. If the direct quotation is more than one sentence, the quote was written protrudes into a single tab (1.25 cm) from the left and right, with a spacing 1.
2.4.3 Research Methods
This section describes the design, methods or approaches that will be used in answering the problem of research / studies to achieve the research objectives and research stages in detail, a brief and clear. The description may include research parameters, the model used, research design, techniques / methods of acquisition and data analysis, measures of research, observation techniques (if done), and the theory supporting the implementation of research. When used in data collection interview techniques, a list of questions or questionnaires are attached in the appendix. This section could be supplemented by drawing flow charts on how the research or other images that is needed to clarify the methods of research / study. The research methods also included a schedule of research activities, ranging from the preparation phase until the implementation stage of the preparation of research thesis.
2.5 References
Bibliography is a list of references from all types of references such as books, journal papers, articles, dissertations, theses, hand outs, laboratory manuals and other scholarly works cited in the thesis proposal writing. All references are written in the bibliography must be referred in the thesis. Reference letters are written in alphabetical order beginning from the last name / family first author and year of publication (the newly written first). If the same author has several articles / papers are referenced, then the sequence of articles by year of publication. If in the same year, papers from the same author published more than one article, then on the back written in small letters a, b, .... And so on. It should be noted that at least 30% of the total literature in the literature review is derived from the relevant scientific journal articles.
Reference can also be written in sequence in the order they appear in your thesis statement. Written sequence numbers in square brackets. Examples of writing bibliography can be found in appendix.
Thesis report consists of:
Title page
Sheet endorsement
Sheet revelation of authenticity
Table of contents
List of drawings (if any)
List of tables (if any)
List of notations / symbols (if necessary)
List of attachments (if needed)
Section contents (chapters) which consist of: Chapter 1: Introduction, including background, problem formulation, problem definition and research objectives; Chapter 2: Literature Review, Chapter 3: Research Methods; Chapter 4: Results and Discussion: Chapter 5 : Closing, which includes conclusions and suggestions.
Thesis Title Page
Title of thesis may not exactly match that has been included in the thesis proposal if in the process of research of any change or addition is quite basic. But substantial research on the thesis must be the same, although not identical, to those already described in the thesis proposal.
Abstract The thesis is basically the same thesis proposal abstract formats, but the thesis abstract must be added the results and conclusions from the research that has been done. In conclusion, avoid writing that shows doubts. In the thesis, in addition to the abstract is written in Bahasa Indonesian is also equipped with an abstract written in English.
Section Contents Thesis
Basically the same content with the content of thesis proposal thesis (Chapter 1, Chapter 2 and Chapter 3), except that the thesis reports the results and discussion are chapters and chapters cover. In addition, all parts of the thesis should be written more detail and deep, compared with a thesis proposal due at the time of writing theses, literature reviews and studies have been conducted in more depth.
Results and Discussion
This chapter will present the results of the phase of research, design, implementation design, and implementation and testing results or results of program testing and analysis of theoretical explanations, both qualitative, quantitative, or statistical. In addition, should the results of the study were also compared with results of previous studies of similar or previous state.
In sub-chapter is written conclusion of the study. Conclusions should be written based on research results, discussion and findings that have been written in the previous chapter, of course, adapted to the purpose of research. Do not conclude something that is not in the discussion that has been made. Conclusions are made with clear and concise, with a sequence as much as possible in accordance with the purpose of research (written in sub-chapter research purposes).
In sub-chapter is written suggestions proposed by the authors. In this case there are two types of suggestions:
Suggestions for further research / study continued. This type of advice that is given to the thesis research and modeling. This advice contains a variety of things that have not been done or not done or the things which is a continuation of research that has been done in this thesis. Suggestions made should be based on the discussions and conclusions that have been made. Do not suggest anything is beyond discussion and conclusions are made.
Suggestions to improve the system discussed in the thesis / pratical implication. Advice given to the thesis of this type of case study. This advice contains a variety of things to do to repair the system that has been discussed in sub-section discussion and conclusions. The advice given must be reasonable and possible to be done / applied. These suggestions are of course based on the findings obtained in the discussion and conclusions. Do not give advice which differ / deviate from what is discussed and summarized in sub-section discussion and conclusions.
4.1 General
a. Thesis written in Bahasa Indonesian is good and right. In writing strived not use first person pronouns.
b. Cover outside the thesis using the orange hard cover, with text in black arise, the inner layer with white cardboard.
c. Manuscript typed on A4-70 grams and not typing back and forth.
4.2 Typing
Thesis manuscript is typed with a standard font (Times New Roman) and size (font size) to the text font size 12.
Post using the distance between rows 1.5 space, except for abstracts using the distance between line 1 spacing.
Layout paper presented at the margin with the following conditions:
Distance from the edge on paper, 3 cm
The distance from the bottom edge of the paper, 3 cm
Distance from left edge of the paper = 4 cm
Distance from the right edge of paper, 3 cm
The sentence beginning on a paragraph written into a tab (1.25 cm). Between paragraphs do not need to be given the distance.
Posts CHAPTER 1, CHAPTER 2, ... .. dst starting from upper margin with 14 point font size. Title of chapter begins 1.5 space, from the writings of Chapter 1, Chapter 2, ... .. ff. Writing chapters and chapter titles are written with capital letters for all the letters with font size 14 point. Figures for the number of chapters written in Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ... .. etc).
Initial sentence (if not started with the sub-chapter) or sub-chapter beginning from 3 spaces from the title of chapter and starting from the left margin (for the title of sub-section) or enter a tab for the beginning of a sentence. Title of sub-chapters are written with the title case (only the first letter of each word using capital letters, the other lowercase / lower case) and all of the conjunction must use lower case / lower case). The sentence beginning at the sub-chapter starts 1.5 space after the title of sub-section, enter 1 tab. The title of the next sub-chapter begins three spaces from the last line of sub-chapter.
Page numbering is as follows: all parts before chapter 1, starting from the approval sheets, numbered pages with small Roman numeral placed at the bottom right of the page (I, ii, ... .. etc). Text section (Chapters 1 and so on including bibliography) numbered pages with Arabic numbers placed at the bottom right of the page.
All figures and tables must be clear / non-fuzzy / blurry. Font size in figures and tables must be readable by the normal eye with ease. Figures and tables placed in the middle of the page (centered).
Number and title of the table is written on top of the table (center page). Number tables tailored to the location of the table in the chapter. On the underside of the table are given information regarding the sources of information listed in the table. The title has been written by way of title case except for conjunctions and prepositions. Tables are made with a spacing 1. Outermost side of the table must not exceed the limits for left and right margins. Landscape format conform with these guidelines.
Number and title of the picture written below the picture (center page), with font size 11 pts. No image is adjusted with the portrait in the chapter. The source of the pictures posted directly on the back of it. The title image is written in a way title case except for conjunctions and prepositions with spacing 1. Outermost side of the picture must not exceed the limits for left and right margins. Landscape format conform with these guidelines.
Writing tables and figures on the sentence that refers to a table or figure should be prefixed with a capital letter. Example: According to Table 2.3 and Figure 2.1 ... ... ... ....
Title table or upper picture limit from 3 spaces from the last line on it. Appropriate sentence under the table or the title picture begins three spaces from the lower limit tables or image title. Between the table title or the title picture with a table or figure in question given the distance of 1 space.
All formulas are written using the equation editor (or MathType). Writing formula starts a tab from the left boundary. Number formula adapted to the chapter number and location of these formulas are written on the right end line. Size of letters and symbols in the formula in accordance with the existing defaults as presented in Table 1 below.
Examples of writing the formula is as follows:
Cov 〖〗 _ (YY) (x_i x_j) = σ_Y 〖〗 ^ 2 exp (-d_ij/l_Y) (3.2)
Σy2 = variance of the logarithm of hydraulic conductivity
LY = the correlation of the logarithmic scale hydraulic conductivity
dij = distance between points xi and xj
xi, xj = location of point in a separate study domain with distance dij.
May not zoom in the formula by dragging a corner of the formula is being created.
The table shows the results of the analysis is placed in the text, but which shows the calculation is placed in the appendix.
All the numbers that accompanied the unit must be written in the form of numbers (rather than words) except if located in the beginning of the sentence. Between numbers and units there must be separation. Example:
• The capacity of the media files on the DVD of 4048 megabytes, or 4 GB
• Sixty-five people ...
Signs fractions must use a comma. Example: 62.3%.
Anonymous. 2008. Proposal Writing Guidelines for Research and Thesis. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Graduate Program.
Team. 2009. Guidelines for Preparation of Thesis Research and Proposal Writing. Jogjakarta: Department of Information and Information Systems Department, School of Information Management and Computer AMIKOM.
Appendix A1. Sample Title Page
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 14, bold)
TITLE Thesis
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 16, bold)
By: (Times New Roman, 12, bold)
Name (Times New Roman, 14, bold)
NPM (Times New Roman, 14, bold)
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 16, bold)
Appendix A2. Sample Approval Page
been approved by:
Key Advisors
Name date: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Name date: ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Appendix A3. Sample Pages Front Cover
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 14, bold)
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 16, bold)
Asked to meet the requirements of completing
Education Level Bachelor (S1)
(Times new roman, 12, bold)
By: (times new roman, 12, bold)
Name (Times New Roman, 14, bold)
NIM (times new roman, 14, bold)
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 16, bold)
Appendix A4. Example Pages Ratification
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 14, bold)
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 16, bold)
By: (times new roman, 12, bold)
Name (Times New Roman, 14, bold)
NIM (times new roman, 14, bold)
seminar and has been maintained in the presence of test team
on the day ... ...., the date dd mm yyyy, in the Courtroom ... ..
Faculty of Engineering, University of Bengkulu
(Times new roman, 12, bold)
Main supervising counselor
Name Name
Chairman of Examiners Examiners
Name Name
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering
Appendix A5. Example Pages Statement
I hereby state that thesis with the title:
(Capital letters, Times New Roman, 12, bold)
As far as I know not a result of duplication of the thesis and / or other scientific works ever published and / or have been used to obtain a degree at any university or institution, unless the source of the information included as appropriate.
Bengkulu, month of year
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